Saturday, October 07, 2006


Muslim Terrorists

Oct. 6, 2006

1. How do you tell the difference between a criminal and a nonuniformed spy without evidence and a trial? Just grab anyone on suspicion? Today's paper (Tri-City Herald, 10/7/06 AP)headlines "Thousands misidentified on terror lists, report says, " . . more than 30,000 airline passengers asked just one agency -- the Transportaton Security Administration -- to have their names cleared from the lists. . . Half of those were found to be misidentified. Usually they are misidentified because they have the same name as someone in the database. Young children and well-known Americans, the president of Bolivia and Lebanon's parliamentary speaker" are among the thousands misidentified. This will be the subject of CBS' 60 MINUTES Sunday (Oct. 8, 2006). I won't order you to WATCH IT, in the commanding tone of so many of my male email correspondents who KNOW ALL and don't hesitate to tell me.

2. I am flattered that you are waiting for a 79 year-old retired English teacher to come up with a solution to Muslim terrorists. I don't know a solution and neither does anyone else, obviously, or we wouldn't be in this mess created by an attack on Iraq. Whatever solution anyone has should not sacrifice our Constitution or resort to behavior as low as that of the terrorists.

3. This "what if?" paragraph makes no sense. It has no bearing on on today's insane terrorists. No one suggested revealing military secrets based on dislike of a historic Roosevelt or Truman and their parties, and no one is suggesting such nonsense about today's issues. Your fantasies amaze me. "They will fight for decades and centuries?" Perhaps. But remember, Hitler said the Third Reich would last a thousand years.

4. You like to give orders, don't you? "READ THE QUARAN." Like you, I have read portions of it and made an effort, but 52 pages of half KORAN and half footnotes plowed me under. I would like to read it, but would need a tough professor to make me do it. You quote Islamic law advocating barbaric punishments. Is Shiaria Law part of the Koran? Is this to prove their Holy Book includes barbaric punishments? I will read the sections you suggest after my remodeling is done and my two WSU courses are over if I can find my copy of the KORAN or anything else in my chaotic house. I confess it won't be a top priority. I sent you copies of my attempts to understand Islam. Having no associations with Hanford, I am not familiar with the phrase "using a graded approach."

5. Hitler and his followers were responsible for the murder of 12 million people, 6 million just because of who they were, not what they had done. Stalin has out-killed any Muslim terrorist by 20 or 30 million. I am now taking a course in the Russian revolution where we have been studying the results of the Lenin/Stalin partnership. I don't know enough about Hirohito to comment. I agree that we have never had an enemy like those who advocate and practice suicide bombing, especially in the name of their notion of God.What a rabid fanatic you are, saying Muslims are right about cleansing YOUR your list of those whose throats the Muslim fanatics should be cut. You decide who's guilty and turn them over to throat cutters? God help us! But you're not a nut case, of course not. Kill all the gays, lesbians, adulterers, ACLU, everyone in Hollywood and New York, abortionists, the ACLU, etc,, lumping them with pedophiles and pornographrs, your way of "cleansing?" What a great American you are! Given the power, you would condone this??? Stand by and cheer? Are you sure you don't want to add Democrats to your list? Good-bye, AMERICA. I'm be as concerned about stopping you as we all should be about stopping the jihadists.

6. What would the Democrats do when someone blows up something? It already happened, Mike. There was great determination expressed by our Rep. Pres. to capture Osama, but now we never hear about him, do we? Instead, in a brilliant public relations spin, the Pres. focused on a dictator he personally hated and declared war on him and his country, which we bombed and destroyed, killing their civilians and our soldiers because by golly we're going to bomb the hell out of them and force democracy on them because our Pres. knows what's best for them. No connection between SaddamHussein and bin Laden has ever been found and neither have and WMDs, but who needs evidence? Just hurl bombs anyway.Hindsight is no help, but we know now that our CIA, FBI, etc., didn't work together, that illegal Muslim terrorists got their air pilot training right here, and there was lots of high level botching up by BOTH PARTIES.

7. More orders! "Stop hating Bush, Cheney, and the Republicans." I'll hate whoever I darn well, please, but can't think of anyone at the moment whom I do hate. I despise Bush and his Evil Triumverate,.but have no energy for hating remote figures who have not done me direct and personal injury. I despise and fear them and the can't understand the blind folks who gave them the power they are using to destroy MY country, and fan the flames of hatred already destroying the world. I have numerous Republican friends and relatives whom I dearly love -- and pity for their misguided ideas, but I try (and often fail) to avoid mentioning. Solutions? Keep on bombing Iraq??? Has it worked so far? Throw suspects in jail indefinitely without trial? Has that worked? How can anyone or any political party control a religious fanatic willing to blow himself up and innocent people, too? At the least we should not stoop to their level of inhumanity, and I hope we do not continue to destroy our own system of government while fighting the enemy. The Demoratic anwser on their campaign doorknob hanger is nothning but puff: "We will protect Americans at home and lead the world by telling the truth by telling the truth to our troops, our citizens and our allies." No wonder Democrats lose elections.

8. SFO values? I have some very fine friends who live in San Francisco and have very high standards and values. I don't know enough about Nancy Pelosi to have an opinion on her as Speaker of the House, but the current speaker is certainly no guardian of morals, (is he? Heh heh) nor do many Republican office holders represent the "family values" they tout. Ayhatollah Kohmini had a controlled society, very moral, according to his standards, in Iran. Is what what you advocate? Morality according to Mike? If your crystal ball knows Pelosi will be Speaker of the House, can you use it to find Osama bin Laden and those invisible WMDs?I hope the international community, the United Nations, diplomats, etc., can negotiate with North Korea and Iran to avoid another catastrophe. I don't know that the Democrats could do any better at protecting us from terrorists, but I know they couldn't do any worse than what is happening now, and that they would do a better job of protecting our Constitution.

Thank you for the time you gave to expressing your views. Instead of expressing mine, I should be writing a paper for my class in American Roots: Immigration, migration, and Ethnic Identity. It is fascinating.

The class about the Russian Revolution is terrifying -- a country ruled by men who were never elected, who said We know what is best for everyone to live a happy life and we will force it on you with an iron hand; we never make mistakes, and we will arrest, imprison, torture, starve, and kill you in our new nation without laws; and we are accountable to no one. Murder was done on a massive scale. Muslim terrorists murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11. Americans murdered thousands bombing Iraq, not the origin of the 9/11killers.

And you ask ME for a solution?



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