Emperor Bush, dictators, mass murder
The first step is to give the executive branch unlimited power and no accountability.
Here's my warning:
Dear Editor,
Your Sept. 29 article "Iraqi Scientists Seek Scientists to Join Jihad" terrifies me.
Is there no limit to the inhumanity practiced by Al-Quaida?
Kidnaping, beheading, suicide bombings -- now they recruit scientists to join their "holy war" in the name of their insane concept of God.
This administration's solution terrifies me, too. A Senate bill advocates allowing a military court system to prosecute suspects and gives the President authority to decide to use torture and protects CIA interrogators. Apparently Emperor Bush destroyed a dictatorship in Iraq to set up one at home.
The bill would allow the Defense Department to arrest foreign civilians and American citizens. -- you and me, Dear Reader --without charge.
Bush could lock you up forever by calling you an illegal combatant, no trial, no appeal.
Must we stoop to the enemy's level to fight terrorism?
Give Bush the power to jail anyone he wants (remember Nixon's enemies list?), disregard the Geneva Convention and our Constitution to allow torture and deny justice to people arrested by mistake?
To eliminate rape as torture?
Senators John McCain and Maria Cantwell say NO.
Presidents are notorious for disregarding the law during wartime (remember incarcerating thousands of loyal American/Japanese civilians?), but this disgraceful law will come back to haunt us.
In some cases the chief executive takes power illegally. Stay tuned for Step Two!
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