Johnny, get your gun!
John B_____ recommends having public school teachers carry guns in the classroom to protect students from violence. I recommend that John volunteer to arm himself and carry a gun and patrol a public school. My 24 year-old granddaugther is now a substitute teacher, hoping for a full-time job. Her four years of expensive WSU training did NOT include a course in marksmanship or gun handling. Neither did my two college degrees when I taught English for 20 years. How about it, John? "Johnny, get your gun" and protect American children. While you're at it, why not volunteer to go to Iraq and drop a few more bombs on the civilian population? Got any more good ideas for keeping America safe?
Heckuvan idea--let's keep a gun in every classroom, so that there will be no need for students to pack their own past the metal detector. What guarantee is there that the responsible adult will be the one to access it when the crisis comes?!
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