Breast Cancer, Anyone???
You want better treatment? Read this! And ---- Tell this to our U. S. Senators. Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray from that cranky political activist Laurel Piippo (three-time cancer survivor of the old school slash/burn/poison trearment):A MESSAGE from MARLENE OLIVER, international expert on cancer treatment. Marlene says:"Even better."A radioimmunotherapy study of metastatic invasive breast cancer (the worst kind) showed complete remission in 100% of study subjects at the proper dosage - I saw the data (G. Sgouros, Johns Hopkins, personal communication, 2007).Marlene"(NCI, CARRA)PS Barbara Blethen, formerly of PNL, succumbed to metastatic invasive breast cancer.PPS Food for thought:US medical practice = profit motiveEuropean medical practice - socialized = /no profit motive/ (except for a few for-profit, private clinics)Mike Fox wrote:>Dennis:>I haven't made this a research project, but I have received similar >reactions, when I've approached various fund-raising tables for breast >cancer research. Try to mention the CTT technology for breast cancer >diagnostics, as Marlene has mentioned, saving $800,000,000 annually in >medicare costs, the women at the tables will not even hear me. Just a >line of chatter on some vague need for more research, with zero >interest in what is being shared with them, seemingly uninterested in >new technology advances, and great clinical trial results. The lack of >interest is very disappointing. >Mike*******************************************************Another advocate for kinder gentler tretment for dcancer from Dennis Fitzgerald:Re: Armstrong/Cance Funding/Better Cures/RES1>>"One voice, one perspective from life in the trenches of America." ©>>What I find amazing is that in the past I have had several>contacts with the Lance Armstrong Foundation about the FFTF and>the critical need for medical isotopes only to be told "the>Foundation is concentrating only on survivor issues". In>addition, Lance Armstrong is on the President's Cancer Panel. >Repeated efforts to communicate with the Panel even before>Armstrong was appointed were meet with silence, except for one>forced acknowledgement after a specific complaint of being ignored. >>I, along with Marlene Oliver, were honored to be "charter members">of the National Cancer Institute's (NCI's) Consumer Advocates for>Research and Related Activities (CARRA) Program. I was accepted>for a second three-year term, but resigned in disgust over the>bureaucratic stove pipe NCI approach to cancer, where they refused>to take on the DOE to save the FFTF and I was chastised for my>efforts. The NCI's mission "To eliminate the suffering and death>due to cancer" is a tragic hoax.>>Many of you have relentlessly tried for years to get the FFTF and>medical isotope story told and my conclusion - no one cares. The>media spent weeks covering the tragic Shiavo (Sp ?) debacle and>the administration spent tons of taxpayers dollars to save>this ONE life. Yet, the Administration and Congress, regardless>of what party is in control, have shown a continual pattern of>indifference to the plight of the cancer patients and their>families. Yet Congress will vote to spend $15 Billion to combat>AIDS in Africa and Jessie Jackson will jump on the medical isotope>bandwagon because of the potential to combat AIDS among the blacks>in our country. And, sadly, colon caner has returned to Tony>Snow. Here is a case where the Administration and Congress>"leaders" can see "the forest, but not the trees (we, the>people)", no matter how close those are around them who are or>have been afflicted with cancer.>>In the meantime we will have 1,444,920 Americans diagnosed with>cancer this year and 559,650 of our citizens are projected to die>of the disease at a rate of over 1,500 a day.>>My question is: Where was Lance Armstrong when he had the>opportunity to help save the FFTF and reduce the rate of>"incurable" cancers?>>From the trenches, I remain>>Dennis A. Fitzgerald>cancer FIGHTER
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